Mehleb orders poll over implementing daylight saving time

Saturday 11-04-2015 06:14 PM
Mehleb orders poll over implementing daylight saving time

Egyptian Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehleb attends the opening meeting of the Arab Summit in Sharm el-Sheikh, in the South Sinai governorate, south of Cairo, March 28, 2015. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh


CARIO, Apr 11 (Aswat Masriya) - Egypt's Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehleb ordered on Saturday conducting a poll over whether or not to implement daylight saving time.

The prime minister tasked the state's Information and Decision Support Centre to conduct the poll among citizens, a statement from the cabinet read. He also called on media outlets with polls centres to conduct similar surveys and provide him with their results.

The cabinet had announced that daylight saving time will be implemented starting April 30, citing a law issued last year which entails that daylight saving time begins on the last Thursday of every April and elapses at the start of the holy month of Ramadan.

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