Lawyer, vice-warden sentenced by Egypt court after lawyers' strike

Sunday 07-06-2015 03:33 PM
Lawyer, vice-warden sentenced by Egypt court after lawyers' strike

High Court building in Cairo


CAIRO, Jun 7 (Aswat Masriya) - A vice-warden was sentenced to three months of imprisonment on Sunday and a lawyer was sentenced to a month after a disagreement between them sparked a lawyer's strike.   

The court is allowing the vice-warden to pay 3,000 Egyptian pounds to stop the implementation of the verdict and is allowing the lawyer to pay 1,000 Egyptian pounds to stop the one month sentence.

The vice-warden was ordered to pay temporary compensation of 5,000 Egyptian pounds. 

The pair were referred to trial last week after a dispute between them.

The lawyers' syndicate said in a statement on Wednesday that the "assault on the lawyer" is a "brutal crime".

Lawyers held a one-day strike on Saturday in protest of the incident. 

However, a Ministry of Interior official was cited by the state news agency MENA as saying that the ministry is keen on receiving lawyers well and facilitating their work inside police stations.

The official said this is in implementation of instructions previously issued on this matter. 

Tension between lawyers and policemen is not unheard of in Egypt. 

Today's verdict comes hours after President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi issued an apology to all lawyers in the country. 

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