UPDATE | Egypt's Sabahi to run for president

Saturday 08-02-2014 09:30 PM
UPDATE | Egypt's Sabahi to run for president

Hamdeen Sabahi announces his running for presidency at a press conference on February 8, 2014 - screenshot via CBC Extra


CAIRO, Feb 8 (Aswat Masriya) - Hamdeen Sabahi, founder of the Popular Current, has said that he will contest the upcoming presidential election.

Sabahi, a former presidential candidate, said he will formally announce his candidacy at an international press conference within days.

During a conference held at the Leadership and Management Development Center in Cairo, Sabahi told his supporters, "This is my personal decision."

"I am confident and assured that the formal decision will support mine," he said in reference to the decision of al-Karama party to which he belongs. 

Sabahi stated that his resolution comes in response to the requests of the youth, yet added that some of his supporters are against that step.

The revolution wants the people to rule and the army to protect, he said.

Referring to the candidacy of Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, Sabahi said that the electoral battle will not be "the army versus the people".

Sisi did not officially announce his candidacy for presidency yet, but the Supreme Council for the Armed Forces has left it up to him to run for president.

In 2012, Sabahi contested Egypt's first democratic elections and came third after Ahmed Shafiq and Mohamed Mursi. He received about 20 percent of the total number of cast votes. 

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