Scuffles break out between Shubra residents, Mursi supporters

Friday 26-07-2013 03:37 PM
Scuffles break out between Shubra residents, Mursi supporters

Protesters hide from police during clashes in Alexandria, January 25, 2013. Youths fought Egyptian police in Cairo and Alexandria on Friday on the second anniversary of the revolt that toppled Hosni Mubarak and brought the election of an Islamist president who protesters accuse of riding roughshod over the new democracy. REUTERS/Asmaa Waguih


Scuffles broke out between residents of the Shubra area and demonstrators supporting former president Mohamed Mursi near Khazendar Mosque after Friday noon prayers.

The scuffles began when Mursi supporters started gathering at the mosque, an Aswat Masriya eyewitness reported.

Shubra residents then organized a counter march coming from the Dawaran Shubra area to support the army, the eyewitness added.

The residents and anti-Mursi demonstrators tore down posters of Mursi which his supporters carried.

They also detained a number of Mursi supporters during the scuffles between the two groups before releasing them later.

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