4 Muslim Brotherhood supporters sentenced to maximum security prison, 53 others acquitted

Tuesday 13-01-2015 09:19 PM
4 Muslim Brotherhood supporters sentenced to maximum security prison, 53 others acquitted

A student supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood and ousted President Mohamed Mursi holds a yellow flag bearing the four-fingered Rabaa sign as he stands with others amidst tear gas fired by riot police after clashes broke out during a demonstration outside Cairo University May 14, 2014. REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany


CAIRO, Jan 13 (Aswat Masriya) - The terrorism circuit at Zagazig Criminal Court sentenced on Tuesday four Muslim Brotherhood supporters to three years in maximum security prison over charges of violence, and acquitted 53 others.

The 53 defendants were cleared of charges in four separate cases.

The public prosecution had referred the defendants to the terrorism circuit over charges of joining a terrorist group, violating protest law, resisting authorities, blocking roads, possession of incendiary material, vandalism, and jeopardising the lives of citizens.

Egypt listed the Brotherhood as a terrorist organisation in December 2013 and insists it is behind the stringent wave of militancy which has targeted security personnel since former Islamist President Mohamed Mursi's ouster.

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