Defendants in Kerdasa clashes to stand trial on March 13

Monday 03-03-2014 12:00 PM
Defendants in Kerdasa clashes to stand trial on March 13

Security forces take their positions during clashes with gunmen in Kerdasa, a town 14 km (9 miles) from Cairo, September 19, 2013. REUTERS/Stringer


CAIRO, March 3 (Aswat Masriya) The trial of 23 defendants in the case of killing of a police general and wounding nine policemen and soldiers in Giza's Kerdasa district has been scheduled to take place on March 13.

Nabil Faragg, Assistant Security Director of Giza, was killed on September 19 when security forces and militants exchanged fire.

The prosecution has accused the defendants of founding a group that aims at impairing provisions of law and the constitution and impeding the work of state institutions.

They were also accused of posing harm to national unity, trying to topple authority by force, assaulting security forces and targeting public facilities to disrupt public order.

The defendants are also charged with the possession of homemade rocket-propelled grenades, firearms and unlicensed ammunition.

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