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Tarek al-Zomor at a Tahrir protest - Reuters
Petrol bombs and bird shots cannot beat the Egyptian people's will, member of the Islamic Jama'a's political party Tarek al-Zomor said on Thursday.
Al-Zomor, head of the Building and Development Party's politburo, warned against what he called preparations for acts of violence during June.
Several political powers and movements had called for peaceful demonstrations on June 30 to demand overthrowing the regime and holding early presidential elections.
Leading member of the Islamic Jama'a Assem Abdel Maged said that those calling for the demonstrations are "thugs and remnants of the old regime".
"We will stop them in any way from toppling the president," he said.
Abdel Maged is also a coordinator for "Tagarrod" movement which aims at countering "Rebel" movement that seeks to gather support for a no-confidence vote against President Mohamed Mursi.