Sheikh Mazhar Shaheen forms front to defend al-Azhar

Friday 29-03-2013 04:06 PM
Sheikh Mazhar Shaheen forms front to defend al-Azhar

Sheikh Mazhar Shaheen, Imam of Omar Makram Mosque - photo from Ahram


Sheikh Mazhar Shaheen, Imam of Omar Makram Mosque, announced on Friday the formation of the "National Front to Defend al-Azhar and 'Waqfs' (endowments)" to improve conditions for preachers and prevent the "Brotherhoodisation" of the Ministry of Endowments.

The front's first demand is to "denounce the Brotherhoodisation of the Ministry of Endowments and all its bodies and sack all outsiders who took up top positions in the ministry", Shaheen said in a statement.

Sheikh Shaheen also demanded a special pay structure for Imams and preachers and equating them with judicial bodies since the role of preachers is equal to that of judges.

The front will not have anything to do with politics and members of its executive bureau will not run in any electios.

Several Azhar officials and preachers working at the Ministry of Endowments as well as public figures attended the press conference at which Shaheen made his statement.

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