Sabahi calls for unity ahead of elections

Sunday 29-07-2012 03:50 PM
Sabahi calls for unity ahead of elections

Presidential candidate Hamdeen Sabahi talks to the media in a cafe in Cairo May 24, 2012. Egyptians queued patiently to vote on Thursday, eager to pick their leader for the first time in a national history dating to the pharaohs, with Islamists and secular-minded rivals who served under deposed President Hosni Mubarak heading the field - REUTERS/Asmaa Waguih


Ex-presidential candidate Hamdeen Sabahi called on political parties to unite in a democratic national development front in preparation for upcoming elections, especially local council elections.

Sabahi added in his interview on a satellite channel yesterday that "Egypt is a nation for all", insisting on his rejection to the hegemony of one group while overshadowing other political forces.

He added that people must not focus on unnecessary issues and instead concentrate on the way in which Egypt's assets will be redistributed to those who are entitled and to the underprivileged. He expressed intention to join forces with others including the karama, Dostour, Socialist Alliance and Social Democratic parties.

He clarified that the goal is to form a movement that is capable of fulfilling the demands of the January 25 Revolution; a civil revolutionary bloc that works as a new national path for Egyptians to avoid one group's polarization that threatens national unity and social solidarity. He stressed on his rejection to all types of tyrannies under any shape or form.

Sabahi described the smear campaign against him as political and systematic. He added that it aims to eliminate political competitors, insisting that he would never attack Islam but is against one group's attempt to acquire complete control.

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