Brotherhood official dismisses talk of reconciliation in Egypt

Tuesday 16-07-2013 01:48 PM
Brotherhood official dismisses talk of reconciliation in Egypt

Muslim Brotherhood leader, Mohamed Al-Beltagi - Asmaa Waguih/REUTERS


CAIRO, July 16 (Reuters) - A senior figure in Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood said on Tuesday that talk of national reconciliation among rival parties and groups was "lies".

"We will not see national reconciliation unless it's on the basis of the ending of the military coup," Mohamed El-Beltagi, a senior figure in the Islamist movement, told reporters.

A spokesman for Egypt's interim president had said earlier that authorities expected Islamist movements to join in national reconciliation, including the Muslim Brotherhood whose Mohamed Mursi was toppled as president by the army on July 3. (Reporting by Maggie Fick; writing by Mike Collett-White; Editing by Andrew Heavens)

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