Egypt to shift clock one hour backward on Thursday

Sunday 21-09-2014 09:19 AM
Egypt to shift clock one hour backward on Thursday

The oldest clock tower is seen at the Mosque of Mohamed Ali Pasha in old Cairo - REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh


CAIRO, Sept 20 (Aswat Masriya) - Egypt will end daylight saving time (DST) on Thursday 25 at midnight, the cabinet said in a statement on Saturday.

The clock will be moved one hour backward on Thursday midnight, marking the beginning of winter time as previously scheduled, the statement added.

The cabinet implemented DST in May, citing alleviation of Egypt's energy crisis as the reason behind the decision.

It was put on hold on June 26 during the holy month of Ramadan and restored on the night of Thursday 31 July, following the end of Eid al-Fitr, a religious holiday which marks the end of fasting in Ramadan, celebrated by the Muslim majority in Egypt.

DST was abolished in 2011 following the January uprising, but was reintroduced three years later in May 2014.

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