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Egyptian security personnel check cars at a checkpoint near the site, where separate attacks on security forces in North Sinai on Thursday killed 30 people, in Arish, North Sinai, Egypt, January 31, 2015. REUTERS/Stringer
CAIRO, Mar 10 (Aswat Masriya) - Two blasts in North Sinai claimed the lives of three people on Tuesday, including an officer, a suicide bomber and a civilian.
The latest blast left an officer dead and injured three conscripts, security sources said.
The sources said the officer's body and the three conscripts have been taken to hospital.
The explosion involved militants setting up a fake security checkpoint on a road, south of al-Arish city, eyewitnesses said. When an armoured security vehicle moved toward the fake checkpoint, an improvised explosive device detonated.
Earlier today, a blast outside a central security forces camp in Arish killed a suicide bomber and an employee at the electricity company. The explosion left 30 injured.
In Fayoum to the southwest of Cairo, two people were killed today when an improvised explosive device they were carrying exploded. They had attempted to plant the bomb outside a security checkpoint.
Militancy inside Egypt has seen a significant rise since July 2013, with most attacks targeting security forces in North Sinai.
However, attacks have taken place elsewhere in the country, including in Cairo.
Yesterday, an explosion east of Arish city left three conscripts dead.
These attacks come ahead of a major investment conference Egypt is organising at the end of the week.
The conference which will run from March 13 to 15, will be held in South Sinai's Sharm el-Sheikh city.
Egypt hopes that the conference will bring investments needed to revamp its economy, which has been hit hard by four years of political instability.