310 people show signs of poisoning in Sharqiya - MENA

Friday 24-04-2015 01:30 PM
310 people show signs of poisoning in Sharqiya - MENA

Flowing tab water in Egypt - Reuters


CAIRO, Apr 24 (Aswat Masriya) - Over 300 people suffered poisoning symptoms in Egypt's Nile Delta province of Sharqiya, Egypt's state news agency MENA reported on Friday.

Most patients are stable, suffering mild poisoning, Sharqiya's Health Ministry Deputy Sherif Makeen said. He added that food and drinking water samples were sent for analysis to identify the source of poisoning.

"Filtered" water is pumped to the areas in question, vice president of the state company for water in North Sharqiya said. Samples obtained from the water returned "good" percentages of chlorine and turbidity "within the normal levels," he added.  

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