Egypt steps up efforts to confront power theft - govt

Wednesday 09-04-2014 07:43 PM
Egypt steps up efforts to confront power theft - govt

Egyptian prime minister-designate Ibrahim Mahlab, a former Mubarak-era official - Reuters


CAIRO, April 9 (Aswat Masriya) The Egyptian government said on Wednesday that Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab has given orders to step up police efforts to tackle the theft of electricity by arresting the perpetrators and enforcing the law. 

The order came after Mahlab met with Egypt's minister of electricity on Wednesday, a cabinet statement said. 

Mahlab urged civil society groups to help raise awareness on the dangers of power theft on the economy and the problems it causes. 

He also urged citizens to participate in the campaign by reporting locations where power theft is taking place in order for the government to take the necessary action. 

Egypt is facing repeated black outs that have increased in recent months.  

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