Revolutionary forces say regime's legitimacy diminishing

Tuesday 11-12-2012 02:38 PM
Revolutionary forces say regime's legitimacy diminishing

A banner for protesters saying "Leave" in front of the presidential palace in Cairo on December 7, 2012 - Mohamed Abdel Ghani/Reuters


Opposition forces have condemned what they described as "recurring disarray" in presidential decisions, insisting that it shows that President Mohamed Mursi's legitimacy is wearing thin.   

The opposition said that the decision to raise taxes then halt it in less than 24 hours, in fear of public outrage, attests to the falling apart of the regime. 

Twenty-four political parties and revolutionary movements denounced the floundering of the president, saying that it negatively affected the status of the presidential institution.

The opposition slammed the postponement of the tax-raise decision to after the referendum on the draft constitution, for "social dialogue", – especially when the draft constitution itself was never put out for serious debate.  

In a statement, they stressed that the bloodshed of martyrs within a few meters from the president's palace completely shattered Mursi's moral credibility.

Opposition forces urged the continuation of protests against a new decree issued by Mursi and a referendum on a charter written without national consensus.

They held the president accountable for last week's bloodshed by his presidential palace and the Muslim Brotherhood responsible for what they described as "massacre".

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