FJP leader tells U.S. diplomats Egypt does not want them

Monday 22-07-2013 09:11 PM
FJP leader tells U.S. diplomats Egypt does not want them

Deputy of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party Essam al-Erian - REUTERS


A Freedom and Justice Party leader urged U.S. diplomats in Egypt to leave, adding that the people do not want them in a country against which they conspired.

"The people do not want you in a country where you conspired against the free will of its majority and sided with the minority that rejects freedom," Essam al-Erian, the Freedom and Justice Party's deputy head, said on his Facebook page.

"You encouraged and supported a fascist, bloody military coup contrary to your laws. And now you back it against a stark Egyptian popular will," Erian said.

He added that neither the U.S. aid nor its diplomats and military personnel are welcome in free, independent Egypt.

Supporters of former president Mohamed Mursi organized a protest in front of the U.S. counsulate in Alexandria on Sunday to denounce the American administration's stance which supports "the military coup". 

In Cairo, Mursi's supporters also staged a march to the U.S. embassy in Cairo earlier on Monday.

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