Egypt army foils attack, destroys 7 tunnels in Sinai

Wednesday 04-06-2014 12:32 PM
Egypt army foils attack, destroys 7 tunnels in Sinai

(Archive) Army forces supervise the process of demolishing tunnels in North Sinai - Aswat Masriya


NORTH SINAI, June 4 (Aswat Masriya) Egyptian army forces have thwarted an attempt to blow up the civil protection building in Northern Sinai's Arish, the army spokesman said in a Wednesday statement.

"Military engineers were able to dismantle three barrels that contained high explosives next to the civil protection building on Tuesday night," the army statement said

Egypt's security forces are currently waging an extensive security campaign in the Sinai to counter militants’ attacks targeting the army and police, which have risen sharply since the ouster of President Mohamed Mursi last year.

The forces have also destroyed seven tunnels in Rafah, according to the army's spokesman.

Military operations to destroy tunnels between Egypt and Gaza intensified since August 2012 following the killing of 16 border guards in Rafah by unknown assailants.

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