Parties join forces ahead of parliamentary elections

Sunday 01-06-2014 06:23 PM
Parties join forces ahead of parliamentary elections

Parliamentary elections in Egypt - Amr Dalsh/REUTERS


CAIRO, June 1 (Aswat Masriya) Five Egyptian political parties have decided to join forces ahead of parliamentary elections, the spokesman of one of them said. 

Al Moatmar, Al Masryeen Al Ahrrar, Al Haraka Al Wataneya, Al Tagamoa and Gabhet Masr Balady convened on Sunday and decided to form a coalition to run together the upcoming parliamentary elections. 

The five parties backed the presidential bid of former army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi who, provisional results show, has won by a landslide against leftist politician Hamdeen Sabahi. 

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