Azhar, Church, want law to criminalize defamation of religions

Monday 24-09-2012 03:12 PM
Azhar, Church, want law to criminalize defamation of religions

Al-Azhar Imam, Mohamed Ahmed Al-Tayeb - Reuters


Grand Imam of Azhar, the most prestigious Islamic institution, and the acting Patriarch of the Coptic Church wish for a law to prevent the defamation of religions.

Azhar Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb and Bishop Anba Pachomius, the acting Patriarch of the Coptic Church, discussed on Monday morning means of joining efforts to have an intentional law be issued to criminalize the defamation of monotheistic religions.  

An anti-Islam film produced in the United States insulting Islamic Prophet Mohammad stirred an angry wave of protests by American missions in Muslim-majority countries.

The protests strained US-Arab relations especially after the murder of American ambassador Christopher Stevens and three U.S. officials in Libya.

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