Protesters flock to Tahrir Square, presidential palace for Friday demonstrations

Friday 26-07-2013 12:14 PM
Protesters flock to Tahrir Square, presidential palace for Friday demonstrations

Anti-Mursi protesters chant anti-government slogans at Tahrir Square in Cairo February 1, 2013. REUTERS/Mohamed Abd El Ghany


Demonstrators rallied at Cairo's Tahrir Square on Friday to take part in the "No to Violence" million-man demonstration which army chief Abdel Fattah al-Sisi called for.

In a speech he gave two days ago, Sisi urged Egyptians to take to the streets on Friday to provide the army with a popular mandate to combat terrorism.

Dozens of demonstrators formed vigilante groups at the square's entrances to secure the demonstrations, Ahram Portal reported.

The crowds held pictures of Sisi and banners saying "We love you, Sisi" and "The people authorize and order the army to combat terrorism".

Police and army forces with tanks spread in the square to secure it.

The main platform in the square warned demonstrators against signing any mandate that may be distributed, the Middle East News Agency (MENA) reported.

On the other hand, demonstrations began rallying at the presidential palace Cairo's Masr al-Gedida amid intense security measures.

The demonstrators put up a large banner behind the main platform set up at Heliopolis Club opposite the palace's Gate Four, MENA reported.

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