Egypt joins Globe-athon for cancer awareness

Tuesday 24-09-2013 03:41 PM
Egypt joins Globe-athon for cancer awareness

Egypt's Breast Cancer Foundation will be participating at the end of September in the international call-to-action Globe-athon to promote cancer awareness. 

With over 80 countries participating in the campaign on the last weekend of September, supporters will walk in solidarity with the millions of cancer patients worldwide and their families. 

The campaign's purpose is to unify international efforts in raising awareness and educating societies on gynecological cancers.

“We will walk to increase public awareness about women's cancers. Bring your family and friends, wear your comfort shoes and join us. Walk with us, and support women with cancer,” the organizers of the event in Egypt said on their official Facebook page. 

The event, which will take place in Zamalek on Saturday afternoon, will be led by Cairo Runners. 

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