Egypt summons Qatar's charge d'affaires

Tuesday 04-02-2014 03:01 PM
Egypt summons Qatar's charge d'affaires

Qatari flag - Reuters


CAIRO, Jan 4 (Aswat Masriya) Egypt's foreign ministry summoned Qatar's charge d'affaires on Tuesday to stress the importance of extradition requests made by Egypt and the Interpol.

This is the second time that Egypt sends a letter of protest to Qatar during one month.

Egypt has summoned Qatar's ambassador on January 4 after a statement by Doha that said it was "concerned by the large number of deaths following the suppression of protests across Egypt."

"The letter of protest demanded an intervention from the Qatari side to prevent any overstepping towards Egypt," Badr Abdel Atti, Foreign Ministry Spokesman, told the state-owned news agency MENA on Tuesday.

Abdel Atti pointed to a statement made by Youssef al-Qaradawi, an Egyptian-born cleric based in Qatar, that was "against Egypt and its people."

Qaradawi, Chairman of the International Union of Muslim Scholar, said in a sermon on Monday that "Egypt is heading to ruins, the military are destructing it brick by brick. They bring evil to the world if they leave their prime mission, which is defending the land, and devote themselves to ruling the country and its people."

Egyptian ties with Qatar have deteriorated following the army's ouster of Islamist president Mohamed Mursi in July, which was prompted by mass protests against his rule.

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