Brotherhood leader stands trial for inciting violence

Sunday 25-08-2013 10:37 AM
Brotherhood leader stands trial for inciting violence

Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohammed Badie sits at a police station after being arrested by security forces in Cairo, in this Egyptian Interior Ministry handout picture taken August 20, 2013. Interior Ministry/Handout


An Egyptian court reviewed on Sunday allegations brought against six Muslim Brotherhood members, including the group’s leader, that they took part in the killing of protesters by the Brotherhood's Cairo headquarters in Mukattam earlier this year. 

Violent confrontations broke out by the Cairo office on June 30, killing at least 12 people. 

The defendants are the Brotherhood’s supreme guide, Mohamed Badie, businessman Khairat al-Shater, Mohamed Bayoumi, Mostafa al-Bashlawi, Mohamed al-Bashlawi and Atef Abdel Galil. 

All the defendants but one are currently placed under custody. 

The prosecutor accused Badie, Shater and Bayoumi of inciting violence and facilitating unknown assailants in their murder and attempted murder of protesters and their illegal possession of arms.  

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