Moussa: Seems like Sisi has decided to run

Wednesday 12-02-2014 08:25 AM
Moussa: Seems like Sisi has decided to run

Potential presidential candidate Amr Moussa - photo from Reuters


CAIRO, Feb 12 (Aswat Masriya) Liberal politician Amr Moussa told a satellite channel late on Tuesday that it appears like Field Marshal Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has decided to run for presidency, adding that he may announce this in a short while.

Moussa, who chaired the assembly that wrote Egypt’s new constitution, met with Sisi early on Tuesday at the headquarters of the Defense Ministry.

Moussa told the CBC that “Sisi has a complete vision of what he can do in the future” and that he appreciates the support of the Egyptian people, but is unhappy with exaggerations especially because his presidential campaign has not begun yet.

The former Secretary General of the Arab League reaffirmed his support for the army chief.

Moussa came fifth in 2012’s presidential election that brought to power Islamist President Mohamed Mursi.

Sisi gained wide popularity in Egypt after he ousted Mursi of the Muslim Brotherhood in July in response to mass demonstrations against his rule.

Sisi is yet to say whether he will run, but he is expected to win by a majority in the presidential election that will be held in the first half of this year.

So far, only Hamdeen Sabahi, a leftist politician who came third in 2012’s presidential election, has announced his intention to run the race.

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