Students sentenced to 5 years for raiding Azhar

Saturday 24-05-2014 02:32 PM
Students sentenced to 5 years for raiding Azhar

Clashes at al-Azhar University between students and security forces in Cairo on October 20, 2013. Reuters


CAIRO, May 24 (Aswat Masriya) An Egyptian court sentenced 19 pro-Muslim Brotherhood students to five years in prison and a minor to three years  on Saturday, fining them 20,000 EGP each, on charges of raiding the Azhar, a judicial source said. 

The court acquitted a Turkish man who was arrested in the Azhar clashes in November, prosecutor Ibrahim Saleh told Aswat Masriya. 

The interior ministry arrested 24 students, who it said support the Brotherhood, in November for raiding the Azhar and disturbing traffic.

Twenty-one of the detainees were referred to the prosecution and accused of assembling, stirring chaos, engaging in violent practices and vandalizing private and public property. 

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