Britain's foreign office condemns cathedral clashes

Tuesday 09-04-2013 04:02 PM
Britain's foreign office condemns cathedral clashes

A Coptic Christian woman shouts slogans against Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi and members of the Brotherhood in front of the main Coptic cathedral in Cairo April 8, 2013. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh


British Foreign Office Minister for the Middle East Alistair Burt has condemned violence that took place outside Egypt’s Coptic Orthodox Cathedral on Sunday.

Violent clashes broke out outside the cathedral on Sunday during a funeral for four Christians who were killed in sectarian violence over the weekend in a town northeast of Cairo.

The confrontations left at least two people dead and tens injured.

“I offer my condolences to the families of the victims, and urge all to show restraint,” Burt said, adding,  “Freedom of religion and belief is a vital component of a democratic society, and it is important that individuals are able to visit their places of worship safely and peacefully and that security forces act effectively to protect them.”

The foreign minister said his government has welcomed the news of a thorough investigation in the case.

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