Al-Adl joins forces with ElBaradei's 'Constitution' party

Thursday 27-09-2012 03:31 PM
Al-Adl joins forces with ElBaradei's 'Constitution' party

Mohamed ElBaradei met with leaders from the Adl Party on September 27, 2012. The two parties have decided to unite into one entity. (Source: handout)


Egypt's Adl (Justice) and Dostour (Constitution) parties are working on the executive measures to unite into one party and begin working in governorates.

Founded by former director of the International Atomic Energy Agency Mohamed ElBaradei, the Dostour Party released a statement confirming that ElBaradei met with head of the Adl Party Emad Sayed Ahmed and his deputies Hisham Akram and Hisham al-Bastawisi and other members of the politburo on Thursday morning.

The two parties have claimed they share similar visions based on the desire to achieve freedom, human dignity and social justice.

Other political parties are also merging in an attempt to contest Islamists in Egypt's upcoming parliamentary elections.

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