Egypt's army sends food supply to Gaza strip

Tuesday 14-10-2014 03:36 PM
Egypt's army sends food supply to Gaza strip

Convoys from Cairo prepare to head for Gaza - Ahmed Hamed/Aswat Masriya


CAIRO, Oct 14 (Aswat Masriya) - Egypt's Minister of Defence and Military Production Sedky Sobhi has ordered the preparation of 20 thousand packs of food supplies to be delivered to the Palestinian Gaza strip. 

The packages are estimated at 200 tons and will be transported through a crossing allocated for relief supplies, according to an Armed Forces statement issued on Tuesday. 

"This comes within an aid convoy from the Egyptian people and its armed forces to support the Palestinian people following the latest Israeli Aggression on the Gaza strip," said the statement.

Egypt co-hosted on Sunday a conference with Norway in Cairo to raise funds for the reconstruction of Gaza after the damage caused by the latest Israeli offensive on the strip in July and August which destroyed most of its infrastructure.

Norway's foreign minister announced, at the closing session of the conference, that the participating donor countries have pledged around $5.4 billion to rebuild Gaza and assist the Palestinian people.

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