Egypt's Sisi urges youth to participate in parliamentary elections

Sunday 13-09-2015 09:11 PM
Egypt's Sisi urges youth to participate in parliamentary elections

Presidential contender and former Defence Minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi - photo from his electoral campaign


CAIRO, Sep 13 (Aswat Masriya) – "The new parliament will either be a chance for a better future or an obstruction," said President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi in a televised speech on Sunday.

The president urged the youth to participate in the upcoming parliamentary elections and examine their choices thoroughly.

The elections are scheduled to begin in October, with the first phase taking place from 17, 18 and 19 October and the second phase running from 21, 22 and 23 November.

Sisi addressed the current refugee crisis during his speech and said that “Egypt has 5 million refugees” including at least half a million Syrian and that “they are treated as citizens.”

The influx of refugees to Europe is the “biggest” in decades, said United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees António Guterres on September 4.

Guterres added that the vast majority “come from conflict zones like Syria, Iraq or Afghanistan and are simply running for their lives.”

Sisi stated that Egypt is fighting corruption in all its forms whether it is administrative or financial. He added that media is a key part in the battle against “terrorism”.

Egyptian authorities arrested former Agriculture Minister Salah al-Din Helal over corruption charges on September 7.

Days after, the presidency accepted the resignation of the cabinet led by Prime Minister Ibrahim Mehleb. Sisi assigned former Petroleum Minister Sherif Ismail to form a new one.

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