Pro-Brotherhood and pro-army students clash at Ain Shams

Monday 06-01-2014 06:36 PM
Pro-Brotherhood and pro-army students clash at Ain Shams

A student of Al-Azhar University, who is a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood and deposed President Mohamed Mursi, throws a stone during clashes with riot police and residents of the area at the Al-Azhar University campus in the Nasr City district December 27, 2013. REUTERS/Amr Abdallah Dalsh


CAIRO, Jan 6 (Aswat Masriya) Confrontations between pro-Muslim Brotherhood and pro-army students erupted on Monday where both sides chanted slogans against each other.

The confrontations escalated with both sides hurling stones and using light weapons but the university guards quickly dispersed the clashes.

Meanwhile, pro-Brotherhood protesters blocked the Khalifa al-Maamon Road near Ain Shams, causing a traffic conjunction.

Several Egyptian universities have witnessed unrest in recent months as supporters of ousted President Mohamed Mursi have been staging demonstrations against the army.

Egypt’s army ousted Mursi in July following mass demonstrations against his rule. 

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